BCBN 4th Annual Event – The Refugee Council
BCBN Raises £274,500 For The Refugee Council & BCBN Grant Initiative 2016
The BCBN Board of Trustees would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your support at this year’s Better Community Business Network event. Over 500 guests attended our 4th annual gala dinner on Monday 15th February, helping raise a spectacular total of £274,500 for the Refugee Council Children’s Service and the BCBN Grant Initiative.
Amongst distinguished guests, keynote speakers included the award winning actress and celebrated humanitarian Mrs Vanessa Redgrave, the current Labour candidate for the 2016 London Mayoral elections, the Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP, and the Chief Executive at the UK Refugee Council Mr Maurice Wren.
A presentation titled ‘Where the Children Sleep’ by the prized Swedish photojournalist Magnus Wennman, who travelled across Europe and the Middle East, capturing poignant imagery of refugee children and a special videography were shown, highlighting the plight of destitute children affected by war.
The ever graceful Vanessa Redgrave encouraged the continued aid and assistance towards displaced, young victims of war, a cause that is particularly close to her heart.
“This is one of the worst recent humanitarian crises effecting millions of men, women and children. Our voice should be clear, refugees are welcome, welcome!”
Maurice Wren the Chief Executive of the Refugee Council commented:
“The impact and value of BCBN’s work, both in raising awareness and generating charitable donations, cannot be underestimated and we are immensely grateful to BCBN’S Trustees for their wonderful support. Their focus on the plight of unaccompanied and separated refugee children is to be warmly commended, and the very substantial donations that BCBN has been instrumental in generating will ensure that vulnerable and traumatised children seeking refugee protection in the UK can continue to count on the empathetic support of the Refugee Council’s Children’s Services.”
Without the contributions from our partners, sponsors, guests and volunteers, we would not have been able to achieve what we have, thank you to you all for your generosity.
BCBN Grant Initiative aims to empower UK charities and credible community projects with grants awards of up to £3,000 per charity every month.
RC The Refugee Council’s Youth Development project works with refugee children who arrive in the United Kingdom alone after fleeing war, persecution and human rights abuse abroad. We help improve their academic performance, professional prospects and social integration by running English and maths classes, securing their college places and hosting skills workshops, cultural trips and social evenings. In 2014/15, we helped 342 refugee children to rebuild their lives this way.