Mental Health & Islamophobia NHS Muslim Network Webinar

In November 2021, NHS Muslim Network hosted a Mental Health & Islamophobia webinar, highlighting that mental health is very misunderstood in the Muslim community and the cause for this is believed to be due to several reasons ranging from lack of knowledge and understanding to stigma and shame.
Speakers at the webinar covered a range of topics discussing the Islamic perspective of mental health, the effects of Islamophobia on mental health, how to support someone with mental health & recognising symptoms as well as faith-based mental health services.
The results from the review of the free faith-based mental health counselling support commissioned by NHSE/I for Muslims working in the NHS and delivered by Inspirited Minds & Lateef Project over a 6 month period showed over 600 counselling sessions were delivered to over 100 NHS Muslim staff. Staff members working across all staff roles were supported with various mental health needs. Due to the high demand for the service, the provider had to stop taking referrals sooner than hoped. The provider is still getting contacted from many NHS Staff members asking if they are still taking referrals.