Ella’s Home: Providing Support and Warmth in Times of Crisis

In the harsh winter of January 2023, Ella’s Home stepped up its efforts to make a difference in the lives of some of the most vulnerable individuals in our society. This remarkable organisation, known for its commitment to helping survivors of trafficking, exploitation, and various forms of violence, played a crucial role in alleviating the hardships brought on by the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Thanks to a grant from the BCBN, Ella’s Home provided emergency items to keep people warm and granted loans to the women they work with during their time of need. The impact of their actions has been nothing short of extraordinary, directly benefiting 28 women and 34 children.
Ella’s Home’s mission has always been centred on empowering highly traumatised and marginalised survivors. These women are not just victims; they are strong individuals with incredible resilience. However, they are also financially vulnerable, and the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ has disproportionately affected them. Ella’s Home recognised the urgency of the situation and acted swiftly to provide the support these women and their children desperately needed.
One of the survivors at Ella’s Home, Ayesha, beautifully captured the essence of the organisation’s work when she said, “Ella’s is unique among women’s organisations because it feels like a family.” Ella’s Home is not just a shelter; it is a support system, a source of strength, and a place where survivors find a sense of belonging. It’s a testament to the organisation’s commitment and dedication to the cause.